(mm) A library for calendar
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This is a generic calendar calculation library written in C according to the algorithms described (in Lisp) in ``Calendrical Calculations'' by Nachum, Dershowitz and Edward M. Reingold, Software--Practice & Experience, vol. 20, no. 9 (September, 1990), pp. 889--928.

The paper can be found at the URL: http://emr.cs.uiuc.edu/~reingold/calendars.shtml


File: libcalen1.1.tar.gz
Size: 49565 bytes
MD5 Checksum: 566bcd1181faef7db0c27eb4695670a6
Last updated: ?

calen binary for MS Windows
File: calen.exe
Size: 45056 bytes
MD5 Checksum: 59b6f9149ef817bfad16b88520182a12
Last updated: ?

holiday binary for MS Windows
File: holiday.exe
Size: 45056 bytes
MD5 Checksum: 5d8b0f64c5bebeeb5824e862728225f8
Last updated: ?

There are no documentation for the interface. You've to read the application code for that. There are three complete applications supplied in the apps directory namely calen, holiday and xcalen.

calen - Unix cal like program.

            $ calen 9 1752

               September 1752
            Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
                   1  2 14 15 16
            17 18 19 20 21 22 23
            24 25 26 27 28 29 30

holiday - Automatically calculates US and Islamic holidays.
 $ holiday -h

  Usage: holiday [options ..] year

Where, options include:
 -hebrew        Jewish holidays (not done yet)
 -islamic       Islamic holidays
$ holiday 2000

US Holidays

[*] Saturday January 1 2000:      New Year's day
[*] Monday January 17 2000:       Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
    Monday February 14 2000:      Valentine's Day
    Wednesday February 2 2000:    Ground hog Day
[*] Monday February 21 2000:      President's Day
    Friday March 17 2000:         St. Patrick's Day
    Saturday April 1 2000:        April Fool's Day
[*] Friday April 21 2000:         Good Friday
    Sunday April 23 2000:         Easter Sunday
    Sunday May 14 2000:           Mother's Day
[*] Monday May 29 2000:           Memorial Day
    Wednesday June 14 2000:       Flag Day
    Sunday June 18 2000:          Father's Day
[*] Tuesday July 4 2000:          Independence Day
[*] Monday September 4 2000:      Labor Day
    Monday October 9 2000:        Columbus Day
    Tuesday October 31 2000:      Halloween
    Saturday November 11 2000:    Veteran's Day
[*] Thursday November 23 2000:    Thanksgiving day
[*] Friday November 24 2000:      Day after Thanksgiving
[*] Monday December 25 2000:      Christmas Day

 [*] Indicates automatically calculated FCCC Holiday
  -- Please verify with FCCC official holiday list --

FCCC=Fox Chase Cancer Center (where I used to work)

$ holiday -islamic 2000 Islamic holidays ================ Tuesday January 4 2000: Shab-e-Qadr Saturday January 8 2000: Eid al-Fitr Thursday March 16 2000: Eid al-Hajj Thursday April 6 2000: Islamic new year 1421 Saturday April 15 2000: Ashura Thursday June 15 2000: Prophet Muhammad's [PBUH] birthday Thursday October 26 2000: Shab-e-Mi'raj Sunday November 12 2000: Shab-e-Bara't Tuesday November 28 2000: Ramadan begins Sunday December 24 2000: Shab-e-Qadr Thursday December 28 2000: Eid al-Fitr

xcalen - A X/Motif calender program. Shows the holidays and paydays.

Screenshot of xcalen

Holidays are shown in yellow bg and red fg. And the paydays are shown in black bg and green fg. I wrote it because I always forget when the paydays are. To show the paydays, create a file .paydays in your home directory. For example:

1998    1   2
1998    1   16
1998    1   30
1998    2   13
1998    2   27
1998    3   13
1998    3   27
1998    4   10
1998    4   24
1998    5   8
1998    5   22
1998    6   5
1998    6   19
1998    7   3
1998    7   17
1998    7   31
1998    8   14
1998    8   28
1998    9   11
1998    9   25
1998    10  9
1998    10  23
1998    11  6
1998    11  20
1998    12  4
1998    12  18

URL of this page: http://www.muquit.com/muquit/software/libcalen/libcalen.html

back Page updated: Sun Mar 31 01:59:56 2013 GMT   Copyright © 2013 muquit@muquit.com.