Plese note, I'm playing around with log format, it might change. If you've any suggestion, please let me know.
The syntax of the visitor log is shown below:
visit time|remote host|remote ip|page url|hit count|browser typeIf any of the field is not found, it will be filled with <unknown>
Tue Mar 6 10:01:31 2001|||http://localhost/tc/|58|Mozilla/4.75 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.0.36 i686) Tue Mar 6 10:01:33 2001|||http://localhost/tc/|59|Mozilla/4.75 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.0.36 i686) Tue Mar 6 10:01:33 2001|||http://localhost/tc/|60|Mozilla/4.75 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.0.36 i686) Tue Mar 6 10:01:34 2001|||http://localhost/tc/|61|Mozilla/4.75 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.0.36 i686) Tue Mar 6 20:38:16 2001|||http://localhost/|24455927|Mozilla/4.75 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.0.36 i686)
Analyzing visitor log
The counter visitor log can be analyzed by the popular log analysis program
Analog. In order to Analog understand the counter's visitor
log file, it would need to have the following information in its configuration
file. Example:
/etc/analog.cfg ############## LOGFORMAT (%j %M %d %h:%n:%j %Y|%j|%s|%r|%j|%B) LOGFILE "/usr/local/etc/Counter/logs/visitor.log*" ##############For more info on this, please visit Analog Log formats page.
This information on using Analog on the counter visitor log is
provided by
Alexander Nikolayev.
To see an
example, please visit his site: